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Missional Mondays @ Missional Place


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10


Missional Mondays at the Missional Place is an opportunity to gather online with fellow believers from around the world to focus on joining the mission of God in our everyday life. We learn to see God at work and find ways to participate in what He is already doing in our world.  


Through the study of the scripture, we explore the depths of experiencing God in His activity in our lives and in the lives around us. We learn to see God’s sovereign authority in his providential actions in human history. We see the ways God continues His creative work of bringing order, beauty and flourshing in the world despite the affects of human sinfulness. We experience ways in which God seeks an authentic relationship with us and how God rescues us and transforms us in our brokenness. Through the redemptive work of Jesus, we see how God restores broken relationships, reconciling us to Himself and to others. We see how God brings healing and wholeness, reversing the effects of sin and brokenness, and we see the ways in which God makes all things new as He transforms us into His likeness.


As we begin to see ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, and our workplaces through God’s eyes, we cry out in heart-filled gratitude for all He has done for us, in us, and through us. We begin to see His mission all around us. We are challenged to serve in His mission in our world. 


Immediately after the gathering, ways to connect with Missional Place are provided for participants.


Below you will find the schedule for most Mondays. While the livestream events are at these times, recordings are available via our media outlets and are available at a convenient time for you.


Online Schedule


Missional Monday Morning Livestream

Service:       10:00 am – 11:00 am ET (New York) (UTC -5) fall/winter / (UTC -4) spring/summer

Fellowship:  11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET (New York) (UTC -5) fall/winter / (UTC -4) spring/summer 


Missional Monday Evening Livestream

Service:        8:00 pm – 9:00 pm ET (New York) (UTC -5) fall/winter / (UTC -4) spring/summer 

Fellowship:  9:00 pm – 10:00 pm ET (New York) (UTC -5) fall/winter / (UTC -4) spring/summer