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Welcome to the Missional Place - an innovative, online, global gathering of people from around the world. Wherever you are, we would love for you to become part of the Missional Place community. Together we are learning how to participate in the mission of God in our families, neighborhoods, communities and workplaces. Once we see where God is at work, then we can experience God in our everyday lives as we join in His mission of redemption, reconciliation, restoration and renewal.


Digital Resources to Help You Grow in Your Mission

Because we are 100% online, everything is digital. Our Missional Monday services are open to attend either via livestream or watch after the recording has been posted via one of our media platforms. Our online LifeWork Groups are led by experts in both their occupational area and that lifework's biblical foundations.

LifeWork Groups are scheduled during the week. Through bible study and interactive discussions, participants discover how God designed them for mission, sent them on assignment, and gifted them for a reason. Discover your mission - and begin developing your spiritual relationship with God as you experience His work in your own life!

Continue to grow spiritually and professionally by participating in MissionLife Webinar events throughout the year. Unlock Challenges go deeper, enabling you to begin mastering key essentials in missional lifework.


Gospel-Centered in Our Approach

A gospel-centered approach to participating in God's mission emphasizes that all Christian engagement with the world flows from and points to the good news of Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection. This approach recognizes that God is already at work redeeming and restoring creation, and Christians are invited to join in this mission not primarily through their own efforts, but through participating in what God is already doing.

This perspective starts with understanding that the gospel isn't just about individual salvation, but about God's comprehensive plan to reconcile all things to Himself through Christ. When Christians participate in God's mission, they do so from a place of having already been rescued and transformed by God's grace, not from a position of trying to earn God's favor or prove their worth.

A gospel-centered approach maintains humility, recognizing that success in mission comes not through human strength or strategy but through the power of the Holy Spirit. It acknowledges that while Christians are called to faithful presence and action in the world, ultimate transformation comes through God's work, not human effort.


Missional Mondays

The early Christians met on the first day of the week - a normal day of work for them. For Jewish communities in Judea and throughout the Empire, the first day of the week (Sunday) was simply the day after the Sabbath (Saturday) - a normal workday when regular business and labor resumed after the Sabbath rest. In Jewish writings of the period, the first day is referred to matter-of-factly as a return to normal activities after the Sabbath. The Mishnah and other rabbinic literature treat it as a regular workday.  The choice of early Christians to meet on this day was therefore quite distinctive, as they were gathering on a regular workday rather than an established holy day. Many would have had to arrange their work schedules around these meetings. This makes the practice even more noteworthy as evidence of their commitment to gathering together despite it not being a culturally designated religious day.  We choose Mondays for our gatherings as a reminder that our faith is not only a private, personal affair, but rather is meant to be a public service in the mission of God around us. The Missional Monday gatherings are designed to equip you to serve in the mission of God in your family, neighborhood, community, and workplace during the week.  


Dr. Curt Watke

Missional Place